Violent Volcanoes: It Went With a Bang!

Party-poppers and bangs are not normally features of SUES meetings, but it was appropriate that our recent talk on ‘Violent Volcanoes’ by Hazel Clark ended with a demonstration which displayed both. The topic, as did the one at our last meeting, illustrated our attempt to broaden the scope of our talks to include a greater element of science. This should not alarm non-scientists (such as myself) as our speakers have shown an ability to make technical matters accessible and comprehensible to the layman. Hazel explained to us the origins, nature and types of volcanoes and their implications for people who live near them. All this was illustrated with dramatic and fascinating photographs. The question arose as to the safety of those taking such pictures and it is a sobering fact that some leading volcanologists have actually lost their lives to the subjects of their enquiries. Once again we had an encouraging attendance for this talk and we are grateful to Hazel for gripping the audience’s attention through her absorbing presentation. It really did go with a bang!

John Sharp

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