How to Join

SUES, like all University Extension Societies, was founded to both encourage and enable people to access and enjoy learning outside the formal education system. To that end, we seek to reduce or remove any barriers to enable people to join in the learning opportunities we provide.

The annual membership subscription for the year 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2025 is just £15 per person.

Membership includes free admission to single-session talks/lectures (usually on Friday afternoons), voting rights at General Meetings and a subscription to Forum, the Society’s regular newsletter. Please note that Forum is distributed by email.

Members are also entitled to enrol on our courses (usually on Monday mornings) for which modest additional fees are payable.

Please complete the online membership subscription form here and make your payment by one of the methods described.

Bank transfer is our preferred method of payment as it does not incur bank charges. If you are unable to use bank transfer, SUES can accept payment by cheque. Please do not send cash.

If you wish to pay by cheque, or if you have any difficulties or questions about joining SUES, please contact the Membership Secretary, whose details are on the Contacts Page.